Source code for icpy.ICP

import itertools as it
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import sklearn.linear_model

[docs] def all_parent_sets(S, max_num_parents): return it.chain.from_iterable( it.combinations(S, n_parents) for n_parents in range(min(len(S), max_num_parents) + 1))
[docs] def f_test(x1, x2): """ Perform F-test for equal variance. """ F = np.var(x1, ddof=1) / np.var(x2, ddof=1) return 2 * min(scipy.stats.f.cdf(F, len(x1) - 1, len(x2) - 1), scipy.stats.f.sf(F, len(x1) - 1, len(x2) - 1))
[docs] def test_plausible_parent_set(X, y, z): n_e = len(np.unique(z)) environments = np.unique(z) lm = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) X_with_intercept = np.hstack((X, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)))), y) residuals = lm.predict(X_with_intercept) - y return min([2 * min(scipy.stats.ttest_ind(residuals[np.equal(z, e)], residuals[np.logical_not(np.equal(z, e))], equal_var=False).pvalue, f_test(residuals[np.equal(z, e)], residuals[np.logical_not(np.equal(z, e))])) for e in environments]) * n_e
[docs] def preselect_parents(X, y, n): _, selected, _ = sklearn.linear_model.lars_path(X, y, method='lasso', max_iter=n, return_path=False) return selected
ICP = namedtuple("ICP", ["S_hat", "q_values", "p_value"])
[docs] def invariant_causal_prediction(X, y, z, alpha=0.1): """ Perform Invariant Causal Prediction. Parameters ---------- X : (n, p) ndarray predictor variables y : (n,) ndarray target variable, numpy array of shape `(n)` Z : array_like index of environment, length(Z)==`n` alpha : float Confidence level of the tests and FDR to control. :math:`P(\hat{S} \subset S^*) \geq 1-\mathtt{alpha}` Returns ------- list The identified causal parent set, :math:`\hat{S}`, as list of indices """ n = X.shape[0] p = X.shape[1] max_num_parents = 8 S_0 = list(range(p)) q_values = np.zeros(p) p_value_model = 0 for S in all_parent_sets(S_0, max_num_parents): not_S = np.ones(p, bool) not_S[list(S)] = False p_value = test_plausible_parent_set(X[:, S], y, z) q_values[not_S] = np.maximum(q_values[not_S], p_value) p_value_model = max(p_value_model, p_value) q_values = np.minimum(q_values, 1) S_hat = np.where(q_values <= alpha)[0] return ICP(S_hat, q_values, p_value_model)